What is psychological counseling?

Psychological counseling is an interactive process between client and therapist.  The emotional, cognitive and behavioral issuses, that affect the wellbeing of the client, will be explored.  Counseling can be helpful with different emotional issuses like anxiety, anger, low self-esteem and relationship problems etc. Sometimes there does not have to be an obvious reason for counseling, but you just want to raise your self-awareness, find your inner balance and gain back your childlike happiness and ease. Counseling can help you to discover your innate resources, learn a new way of living and find your passion in life.

Counseling sessions

Online Counseling - Mind-Body Coaching

Online counseling

Online counseling is the easiest way for you to connect with a therapist. If you feel comfortable at home or you live far away then this could be the right choice for you. Sessions take place via video call. All you need is a quiet room where you can have some privacy. Make sure that you are not disturbed or choose an appointment time when you are home alone.

Duration:  1 hour              1 – 1,5h
Price:         60.- EUR        80.- EUR

Counseling in person

Usually counseling takes place in a practice where client and therapist meet in person. This could be a a suitable method for you, if you prefer a personal meeting and a therapeutic setting or you don`t feel safe talking at home via video call. A specific therapeutic setting can be helpful for creating a safe space for a client to open up.

Duration:  1 hour           1 – 1,5h
Price:         75.- EUR      95.- EUR

Kontaktnõustamine, Counseling in person, Mind-Body Coaching
Walk and Talk - Counseling, Mind-Body Coaching

Walk and Talk

Maybe the unusual way is just the right way for you. Sometimes the thought of going to the counseling practice could be terrifying. For some people it can be easier to relax and share their thoughts and feelings when the body is in the movement. If you recognize yourself or you want to combine your daily walk with a counseling session, then this could be for you. Walk and Talk sessions take place in Tallinn, mostly in Kadriorg or Pirita, but if you have a favorite public place where you would like to go, we will find a solution.

Duration:  1 hour            1 – 1,5h
Price:         90.- EUR      110.- EUR

Online Counseling - Mind-Body Coaching

Online counseling

Online counseling is the easiest way for you to connect with a therapist. If you feel comfortable at home or you live far away then this could be the right choice for you. Sessions take place via video call. All you need is a quiet room where you can have some privacy. Make sure that you are not disturbed or choose an appointment time when you are home alone.

Duration:  1 hour              1 – 1,5h
Price:         60.- EUR        80.- EUR

Kontaktnõustamine, Counseling in person, Mind-Body Coaching

Counseling in person

Usually counseling takes place in a practice where client and therapist meet in person. This could be a a suitable method for you, if you prefer a personal meeting and a therapeutic setting or you don`t feel safe talking at home via video call. A specific therapeutic setting can be helpful for creating a safe space for a client to open up.

Duration:  1 hour           1 – 1,5h
Price:         75.- EUR      95.- EUR

Walk and Talk - Counseling, Mind-Body Coaching

Walk and Talk

Maybe the unusual way is just the right way for you. Sometimes the thought of going to the counseling practice could be terrifying. For some people it can be easier to relax and share their thoughts and feelings when the body is in the movement. If you recognize yourself or you want to combine your daily walk with a counseling session, then this could be for you. Walk and Talk sessions take place in Tallinn, mostly in Kadriorg or Pirita, but if you have a favorite public place where you would like to go, we will find a solution.

Duration:  1 hour            1 – 1,5h
Price:         90.- EUR      110.- EUR